
Showing posts from May, 2021

COVID-19 Cases of may 2021

COVID 19  cases report  Case9 -1 1) Covid 19 with co morbidity (Pulmonology/Rheumatology) Questions:  Q1) How does the pre-existing ILD determine the prognosis of this patient? Answer- The pre-existing ILD significantly worsens the prognosis of this covid patient.  Interstitial lung disease is characterized by dyspnea, decreased pulmonary diffusing capacity, decreased FVC and TLC. The SpO2 of these patients is usually decreased due to increased A-a gradient A superimposed covid-19 infection in these cases can cause an acute exacerbation of symptoms such as dyspnea, decreasing levels of SpO2 further and faster than in Covid-19 patients without interstitial lung disease.  Radiology (HRCT) usually shows the development of new pulmonary opacities and fibrosis. Patient factors:  Since this patient already had a reduced SpO2 of 90-92% (compared to the normal range of >96%) she is more susceptible

Medicine case discussion

Online blended bimonthly assignment toward summative assessment for the month of May 2021 Name : P. Sai krupa Sri : 175  8th sem   I have been given the following cases to solve in an attempt to understand the topic of 'Patient clinical data analysis' to develop my competency in reading and comprehending clinical data including history, clinical findings, investigations and diagnosis and come up with a treatment plan. This is the link of the questions asked regarding the cases: Below are my answers to the Medicine Assignment based on my comprehension of the cases.  1.PULMONOLOGY . CASE - 1 A 55 Year Old Female with Shortness of Breath, pedal Edema and Facial Puffiness. Question 1 :-   What is the evolution of the symptomatology in this patient in terms of an event timeline